Progress on women’s anemia is insufficient to meet the global nutrition target by 2030

The Lancet-Global Health recently published this extraordinary resource on anemia prevalence by severity for children, non-pregnant and pregnant women. Estimations were accomplished based on data from 197 countries and territories between 2000 and 2019.

You may want to go through it to see why multisectoral approaches are very much needed to work on the multiple determinants of anemia, one of them being insufficient iron intake. “Despite the observed improvements, anemia prevalence remains high in the poorest regions in the world”, it also remains an impediment in decreasing baby and mother mortality and a barrier to kids' proper growth.

Click here to read the full article.

Source: Lancet Glob Health 2022; 10: e627–39.


Jordan National Micronutrient and Nutrition Survey 2019